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hypothesis #1 (the collector's edition)
The Laroquod Experiment is now accepting orders for a limited run Collector's Edition of Hypothesis #1. Only 32 of these books will ever be produced, which makes this a rare opportunity to acquire the first printing of the debut issue for a media-crossing, genre-corrupted, comic book intrigue about a filmmaker from another planet, based on a true story. The Collector's Edition will include...
(Ready to reserve your copy? CHECK AVAILABILITY NOW.)

  • Hypothesis #1 (The Autographed Limited Edition), with cover by Doug Groves. This beautifully printed, 32-page full colour comic book will contain the first three web episodes of the Hypothesis story. Numbering so few, with unique, exclusive cover art, these are sure to be the hardest-to-come-by books the Experiment will ever produce.

  • Hypothesis #1 (The Digital Negative Edition). Browse Hypothesis offline in higher resolution than on the web, while listening to the artist's selected soundtrack. Then slip the same disc into your set-top player to access the following special features:

    • Forming Hypothesis #1. Watch the artist discuss his methods and his sources of inspiration with guests, as he takes you through the early development of every page.

    • Reading Hypothesis #1. View a text-free version of the comic book as the artist narrates Hypothesis #1 aloud to musical accompaniment.

    • Photo Synthesis #1. A fast-paced slideshow of the raw photography for Hypothesis #1. You'll see comparisons with the finished panels, along with never-before-shown angles and scenes.

    • Testing Hypothesis #1. The Collector's Edition offers you the chance to sink your own hands into the artist's process, with a separate DVD-ROM containing all of the artist's Photoshop panel files and Comic Life page designs for the first issue of Hypothesis. Play and re-edit at will. This is as close as you can get in the digital realm to having the original artboards and negatives for Hypothesis #1, and it's exclusive to this Collector's Edition — this material will never be offered again.

  • A signed and numbered limited edition giclée 8" x 12" print, one of only 32 that will feature the artist's favourite splash page from Hypothesis #1.

As the Laroquod Experiment spins on into more comic journals and film releases, this story will remain at the root of it, the seed of inspiration where it all began. And with the autographed Collector's Edition you can own it in its inaugural form for $49.95 CDN, plus shipping and handling. Payment is accepted via credit card, debit card, or simple PayPal transfer.

To reserve your copy, CHECK AVAILABILITY NOW.



No. PayPal can act as a simple broker for credit card purchases without requiring you to register. Start off by clicking the 'BUY NOW' PayPal link (after 'checking availability' with the link above) and then follow the instructions from there.

Begin at the beginning, with Episode 0.1. From there you can link into Episodes 0.2 and 0.3.

It's about a time walker from another world. Where I come from, there are no Arts. There is just one art. Of sequence. Before I arrived here, it wouldn't have occurred to me to make a 'motion picture' or a 'graphic novel', any more than writing an adverb novel would occur to you. In the words of your esteemed Robert Heinlein, "Specialization is for insects."

I mean no offence to the brilliant and diverse artists of this Earth. But communication technology back on my planet is not just different. It's better. And I intend to show you how, because the future of your species may depend on it. As time jockeys go, you'll find me relatively benign — but I am not the only one.

This you will discover as you follow the story of my experiments in your world, conducted through graphic and cinematic techniques you'll recognise at first, and then increasingly with tools unlike any you've seen before.

Together, we can trace a route around the darker forces that seek to stifle your media and commandeer the course of humankind. This is my Hypothesis.

Paul Laroquod.

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