So that's it, those are the keys to the kingdom, as far as my writing goes, in short form anyway. I hope it doesn't suck anyone's enjoyment out of my writing. I have been writing this way for over a decade now. At the beginning I used the structure for short narrative poems. Then I moved on to short stories. Check out
this previous post for examples of each. Lately I have been applying it a lot more rigorously to the writing of scripts, some of which are
already posted on this site. I direct you specifically to
The Citizen as a good example of strong central questions.
here's the first stanza of something I wrote this morning that I really want to finish. It's the best beginning I've had in a while. (Perhaps inspired by last night's talk?) I didn't have time to complete it because I had to write this post, but I do think that it's a particularly clear example of how you can toy with the structure if you treat it as a set of opportunities rather than a straitjacket. Also it represents exactly the amount of story I want to achieve with everybody on the dry run day as an exercise.
And with that I'll bring this interminable post to a close. I hope that this helps everyone understand what we are trying to achieve, and if you have any questions or concerns about it, posting them at the bottom of this page instead of in an email would be particularly useful in this case, since I'm quite sure that other people share your concerns and it will save me having to answer them multiple times. As always, though, email and/or phone calls are fine and I'll respond promptly.